Chapter 2231-death knocks on the door

It had been a long time since they last met.

Young master Huo, who was so furious that he looked like the god of death from hell.

special assistant luo thought.

hence, the main force quickly packed up and set off.

huo shen's men were all well-trained. even if they were suddenly summoned in the middle of the night, they were able to prepare everything in the shortest time possible and move forward steadily!

the night was lonely and the moonlight was faint.

most of the lights in the jing house were off and it was very quiet, as if everyone was asleep.

however, he didn't know that the grim reaper was knocking on his door!

the gate of family jing was still quiet.

however, one figure after another had already sneaked in without anyone noticing.

following the coordinates, they sneaked into the building.