If you dare to speak, you dare to shoot

one of them was her personal maid, and the other was the little butler of her building.

No matter who wasn't there, they shouldn't have not responded!

After waiting for a few seconds, Jing Huan's face finally turned slightly pale and he suddenly took a step back.

she looked around and turned around, wanting to run out!

There was definitely something wrong with this building. It seemed to have been occupied by someone else, or rather, it had been cleared out.

She turned around very quickly and nimbly, and in no time, she had already reached the door.

however, it was too late.

At the door, two black figures had already appeared, blocking her way.

They didn't say anything, just kept silent.

jing huan turned around and wanted to run to the back door, but there was a figure slowly walking down the stairs in front of him.

his steps were steady, and a shadow fell on his body. his face and expression could not be seen clearly.