chapter 2237-listing the crimes

then, he got up with a calm expression and walked out of the room with steady steps. he went downstairs.

In the distance, elder Jing and Huo Shen's eyes met.

the two of them were expressionless, but when their eyes met, it was as if countless bolts of lightning had exploded.

the air became heavy and oppressive, making it difficult for people to breathe.

after a long while, huo shen's deep and magnetic voice with a powerful aura resounded throughout the entire space.

"elder jing, are you here to take the blame for jing huan's crime?"

jing huan's crime?

elder jing was taken aback. frowning, he asked, "what crime? When a member of family Jing has committed a crime, as her grandfather, I will naturally uphold justice for her. There is no need for outsiders to deal with her. "

"Then you don't want to atone for her sins?" Huo Shen said as he walked forward slowly, looking at elder Jing coldly.