chapter 2247-you still have to eat cold food

At the same time, the rest of the people in the president's office looked at each other and started to discuss in private.

what was going on?

What was happening in the office?

it was as if something had fallen on the ground, or there was a figure stuck on the door. it really made one's imagination run wild.

moreover, ye qingqing had actually run away in anger just now!

for the next two hours, there was no movement from the office. even the news of the meeting or other reports were blocked outside. no one dared to enter.

in the office, the glass was dark.

the people outside were all in danger and gossiping. As for the two inside, they had actually calmed down after a passionate kiss.

ye jingyan almost took her off.

But in the end, he suddenly came to a realization.

then, he turned around and left. he sat on the coffee table and looked at the food in front of him.