Chapter 2255-truly incredible!

F * ck!

was he playing with them?

youzi's small figure walked forward and sat on a high chair that her subordinates had brought over. finally, she didn't have to be looked down upon by everyone, and she didn't have to look up anymore.

these questions and concerns were actually very normal. therefore, he had once discussed and asked his father about it.

after coming to heaven and earth city, he had also discussed it with the master doctor.

So, it was not difficult for youzi to answer them.

sitting on it, he shook his legs and said in an orderly manner with a smile, " first, all the security systems are still in the hands of the 'old man', but the specific inspection tasks have been assigned to a few more teams. They don't share information, and each of them can only control a small part of it, so it can't affect the big picture at all."

the second and third Pixiu.

youzi explained everything that they were concerned about in an orderly manner.