Little girl, the puzzle

So, youzi tried to reach out with the wet tissue and slowly approached her. She kept talking to her to show that she meant no harm.

Finally, the wet tissue touched her face.

A touch of coldness made her shiver slightly.

grapefruit gently rubbed her skin and realized that it was unbelievably tender, like a peeled egg or tofu. he didn't dare to touch her skin too hard, afraid that it would be damaged if he used too much force.

After gently and repeatedly wiping it twice, pomelo finally retracted his hand in satisfaction.

he was very happy. he looked at the little girl and said, " "i've wiped it clean!"

The little girl didn't have any reaction. Her small mouth just lifted a little, but that was all.

She still didn't say anything. She just lowered her head and looked at the sandcastle in the sand pit.