chapter 2268-underestimating the opponent

Even though they were quite a distance away and at a high altitude, their helicopter still trembled a little from the huge explosion.

however, everyone was expressionless and did not panic at all.

It wasn't until the mushroom cloud dissipated, leaving only a blazing fire and ruins, that everyone looked away.

they had experienced many fierce battles, but not many of them were in such a miserable state.

they were the most elite troops of the huo family. most of the time, they were only responsible for killing in all directions and had never experienced any setbacks. Or perhaps, those who had experienced setbacks were no longer around.

In the end, they really thought that they would die today.

he didn't expect that young master huo would appear!

"i'm sorry, master huo. mr. huo, mr. ye, and mrs. ye are all not there." The injured Captain covered his bleeding shoulder and spoke in a hoarse voice. an iron-blooded man was so guilty that he was about to cry.