This was not what she wanted

she had never done cleaning since she was young. could she learn it now? she must have had a hard time.

That was why she had come to him for help when she was at her wits 'end.

She must have used all her determination and put down her pride to come.

He shouldn't have driven her away so quickly and made her cry in anger.

Ye Jingyan's heart was suddenly filled with many emotions. there was guilt, self-blame, annoyance, and repentance. In fact, there was even an indescribable and complicated feeling of love.

"i know." He responded in a deep voice.

"arrange a servant for her," he ordered.

"for miss ye qingqing?" The Secretary asked subconsciously.

Ye Jingyan nodded slightly, his brows furrowing. He then ordered, " "I want a woman, but she can't be too old or too young. She has to be safe and not reveal her privacy. Do more, listen more, talk less, and see less. also, make sure your hands and feet are clean, and do a background check."