the girl's whereabouts are a mystery

She had already been here and left?

For some unknown reason, a strange feeling emerged in youzi's heart. She raised her eyes and looked around.

He thought for a moment, then squatted down in the sand pit and started to build a sandcastle while waiting for the little girl to come.

however, even after the beautiful sandcastle was built, no one came.

Only the children who had finished their classes were noisier and noisier. Some people were slowly approaching, but they didn't seem to be interested in the sand.

Children nowadays had too much entertainment. Playing with sand was no longer their main pleasure.

only the little girl was strangely interested in the sandcastle, and she seemed to enjoy it.

Youzi sat there and piled one up, but the little girl didn't come.

so, he went to buy a bottle of water and went back to make a second one.

The little girl still didn't appear.