old jing, an xiaowan?

However, he didn't dare to think about it.

Elder Jing could only hope that his real granddaughter still existed in this world, and that she might have been used by someone, but her life was not in danger.

As long as she was still around, he would definitely find a way to find her.

there was still hope.

"no problem," he said. Huo Shen agreed without hesitation.

However, he did not expect that in the end, all the suspicious points, secrets, and all the necessary clues were actually all hidden by Jing Huan.

She had been an ordinary girl on fergora Island, but she had become like this.

she wondered what gong li would think if he didn't lose his memory and saw ni huan in this state.

speaking of ni huan, an xiaowan couldn't help but feel a little unfamiliar.

after they reached an agreement, elder jing went back to his room to rest while huo shen led his men to the small black room where ni huan was imprisoned.