Return to the capital tomorrow

it was the real key of the jing clan.

and the dna test was not wrong. jing luochen had also seen it.

so, even if elder jing did not believe jing huan, she might still have a way to steal half of the jing family's assets.

he didn't think that jing huan wasn't a child of family jing. he just hated her and thought that she didn't deserve to be a part of family jing. After all, family Jing's blood wouldn't do such a dirty thing.

Jing luochen's breathing was a little erratic, but in the end, he couldn't open his mouth to comfort Yingluo.

he felt a little defeated and felt that he had let an xiaowan down.

however, it seemed like he really had no other way.

but jing lao didn't think much of it. after all, he was used to jing luochen's silence. He could also feel the trace of concern in Luo Chen's eyes, and that was enough.