chapter 2297-too similar!

youzi was a little worried and went up to show her concern. then, an xiaowan and huo shen took youzi to their " new home " in heaven and earth city.

in the residential area of heaven and earth city, the deeper one went, the more honorable one's status was.

The master doctor's residence was in the innermost part of the house. Not far from it, there was a rather special building, which was where The Mo Brothers, Mo Yan and Mo an, had stayed previously.

at this time, an xiaowan's house was opposite the mo brothers'.

They looked from afar and entered their own building.

The assistant who followed them asked them to stop for a while and entered their facial information. Then, he led them in and taught them how to use the facilities in heaven and earth City.

After all, this place was indeed very different from the outside world.

All the facilities were very intelligent.

Huo Shen got used to it quickly. He looked around, and every glance piqued his interest.