chapter 2320-ye ning following

Ning Ye took a deep breath and rushed out of the office.

at this moment, the emotions that she had suppressed for a long time finally erupted.

she needed to confront ye jingyan.

Even if he abandoned her in the end, it would be better than her waiting like this every day, guessing, and being humble.

hence, she directly ran to ye jingyan's house.

Seeing her rush out with that expression, the receptionist was a little surprised and worried. She wouldn't go to ye Jingyan's house to cause trouble and interrogate him, would she?

this was the most unacceptable thing for a lover, or a substitute.

If she could be obedient and not say anything, and not do anything that was out of line, ye Jingyan would definitely not treat her badly in terms of money. as long as she didn't love him, she could enjoy wealth and everything.

however, she had given her heart away.

outside ye jingyan's courtyard, a car was parked peacefully.