Chapter 2328-kidnapped ye ning

"Wake up!"

A rough male voice rang in her ears, and then a large bucket of cold water was poured down.

ye ning opened his eyes in shock.

"Speak! who are you? where did you get it?" The man pinched her face and pulled out the cloth in her mouth violently. His actions were very rough.

ye ning's mouth hurt, but he didn't dare to make a sound.

he could only speak in a trembling voice, " "i'm ye ning! zhenzhen was kidnapped by you! zhenzhen!"

the men stared at ye ning's face and took out the photos in their hands.

Then, a tall man standing at the back suddenly slapped the black-robed man who was holding the phone.

with a "pa" sound, his head was directly smacked against the wall.

however, the man who was slapped did not dare to make a sound. even though blood was flowing out of his forehead, he only lowered his head and did not speak.

" you can even catch the wrong person. even a pig is smarter than you!! " The tall man was angry.