charge forward and save her!

gunshots were heard and blood splattered everywhere.

the scene became extremely brutal.

They had chosen a very secretive location with not much space. At this time, the outsiders and their people were squeezed together, and everyone immediately began to use other fighting methods.

an xiaowan had never seen such a close and brutal battle.

Her pupils trembled slightly, but her hands did not soften at all.

However, even with her participation, the situation was completely out of control.

there were simply too many people on the other side.

everyone's battle became more and more entangled. the other party didn't seem to have expected that they could hold on for so long with so few people against so many enemies, so they attacked even more strongly.

one figure after another fell to the ground.

"this way!" mo an suddenly shouted in a low voice and wanted to break through from a corner with an xiaowan.