Electric current stimulation!

The numbers began to fluctuate up and down in an extremely unstable manner!

One second it was very high, and the next it was low.

although the blue team wasn't very professional in this, when they looked at the watch, their eyes turned red and they suddenly jumped up. i have to stop!"

The Three Doctors quickly nodded and immediately slowed down the flow of the current.

However, the data was still jumbling up.

The four of them watched anxiously until the electric current was reduced to zero according to the required speed. Their expressions were extremely serious.

Fortunately, after the electric current stopped, the master Doctor's Data finally stabilized.

she had fainted.

And in between, he actually went into shock for a few seconds.

It's too terrifying, Tao Wu.

with lingering fear, the four of them hurriedly began to check on the master doctor's physical condition.