It's all her plan

after an xiaowan poured herself a glass of water, she rubbed her temples, waved her hand and ordered, " "Go and help young President Huo up."

a few subordinates carefully went over to help him up, afraid that ye jingyan would go crazy again.

But this time, he did not.

They helped ye Jingyan up and brought him to the chair opposite an Xiaowan's table to sit down. He endured the pain in his body and legs and looked at an Xiaowan with a pale face. speak.

before ye qingqing discussed the plan with them and before they set off, she had told them.

If ye Jingyan were to go crazy at some point in time and become uncontrollable, or if he wanted to hurt her at all costs to save her, then at this time, she would tell him their real plan.

an xiaowan thought that this was the time.