Always thinking about him

He loved Yingluo so much, but perhaps, from the moment he found out the truth, the truth that she had always been so sure of would change.

ye qingqing did not know what she was feeling.

It was just that ye Jingyan's face would always appear in her dreams, with all kinds of shapes, expressions, and appearances.

It seemed to have become a curse that echoed in her mind every day.

However, she had thought that it would make her feel unbearable pain and make her want to escape desperately. However, the truth was that every time he appeared in her mind, she would feel lighter and the air warmer.

How much time had passed?

Ye Qingqing couldn't figure it out because she no longer had any such perception.

she only knew that the chip might be slowly penetrating her body, and might even completely destroy it.