Chapter 2370-everyone forgot

an xiaowan, who was guarding the head doctor, accidentally fell asleep again.

when he woke up, he saw youzi's message.

'Mommy, do you still remember the little girl I saw at the sandpit in the kindergarten when you first took me to?'

at that time, mommy seemed to have mentioned something related, so she must have seen it!

Thinking of this, youzi felt very excited. She hoped that she was right and that the surveillance camera had deceived her. or someone had deleted the surveillance footage and tampered with it.

moreover, when youzi raised a question, his mother had patiently answered it.

she definitely remembered!

Youzi had been waiting since she sent the message.

after an xiaowan saw the message, she was a little confused.

the first time you went to kindergarten? the little girl by the sand pit?