she's awake!

Huo Shen and an Xiaowan's expressions were different, but they were both extremely shocked by what youzi said.

they had never thought that the master doctor and the entire research institute might have had something to do with that terrifying experiment. and they had even formed an alliance with the creator of the experiment.

Their expressions were dark and unpredictable.

youzi was a little anxious, but she didn't know how to explain it. she could only say with certainty, " "I only know that the master doctor must be a good person!"

An Xiaowan met youzi's eyes and nodded slightly. I think so too.

If he wasn't a good person, why would he risk his life to save her?

Of course, after hearing youzi's words, an Xiaowan finally " understood " the master doctor's thoughts. Perhaps she had already known about youzi and Huo Shen's identity. She knew that Huo Shen was the victim of the experiment back then, so she felt guilty and rushed forward to save her.