miss ye went crazy

An Xiaowan suddenly took a deep breath.

She looked at Huo Shen and he nodded at her.

just now, he had already ordered someone to check the problem with ye qingqing's signal and found that the signal had indeed changed. The people from black robe must have found out by now!

perhaps they had already changed ye qingqing's blood and removed the chip?

or perhaps, he had used some other terrifying method.

the doctor looked at their expressions, shrugged, and added, " "Of course, it's also possible that there are both."

Medicine infusion and blood transfusion.

It had only been a few days. How much suffering had he suffered?

" if they really did draw her blood and change her blood, that should be the reason why the poison content in her body is low. " The doctor added.

then, he gave her some medicine and prescribed her a drip before leaving in a hurry.