Don't know how to face it

Seeing that she didn't do anything, didn't eat or drink, and only had this obsession, the nurses quickly told an Xiaowan the news.

an xiaowan and huo shen discussed for a moment and finally decided-

He brought her to see Mr. Ye and Madam ye.

he had only taken a glance from afar and brought her back.

mr. and mrs. ye had also been transferred from the hospital under the research institute to the hospital owned by the huo family. therefore, an xiaowan went to ye qingqing's current residence that day.

she walked in front of ye qingqing and looked at her blank but red eyes. she coaxed her softly, " "I'll bring you to see Mr. Ye and Madam ye now, okay?"

ye qingqing was stunned for a moment before she reacted slowly.

She looked at an Xiaowan and finally nodded.

An Xiaowan then carefully brought ye Qingqing over.

she brought ye qingqing to the hospital and stood in the corridor. she let ye qingqing look at the small transparent glass window through the door.