the real mistress

"it's pretty close." Susan found that this neighborhood was closer than before, and they could make it in time, so she immediately turned around and turned on the navigation.

they arrived in less than ten minutes.

su shan saw that an xiaowan was in a hurry to get out of the car and immediately locked the door angrily.

"who do you want to scare with your ghostly appearance?" Su Shan said fiercely. She took out a hat, a pair of sunglasses, and a mask from the back seat and put them on an Xiaowan. She covered her up tightly before letting her get out of the car.

an xiaowan cleared her throat and quickly got out of the car.

He looked around. This was a new residential area, and it was indeed better than the one built before.

the green plants were growing more and more densely, and there was nothing dirty on the ground. the management was very good. it could be seen that they had made the right choice back then.