chapter 2417-she's sneaking around?

They had already recorded the locations of those things, and she had also memorized them all.

Black robe had said that ye Qingqing's parents had lost their consciousness after being fed medicine and would soon die from brain damage. However, ye ning was still a little worried. He felt that he should take action first to avoid future trouble.

she could dig out two tokens every day, and she had already found six of them.

on this day, ye ning wanted to go out and look for the token as usual.

But what she didn't know was that in the dark, there was already a figure watching her.

it was ye jingyan, who had just been discharged.

his wound still hurt a little, but he still looked like nothing had happened. he just looked at the courtyard where " ye qingqing " was.

although it was dark and the figure was very low-key, ye jingyan still saw him at a glance.

he was slightly stunned. he pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses and looked over to confirm.