chapter 2425-acting like a big shot?

Ning Ye's heart tightened slightly, and he suddenly felt a little complicated.

She closed her eyes slightly and felt everything at this moment.

So ye Jingyan was this stupid when he was facing the woman he loved. it was such a simple lie, but he believed it to such an extent. it was as if even if she asked him to kill someone for her the next second, he would agree without even blinking and immediately carry it out.

what kind of magic did ye qingqing have, and what capabilities did she have?

And she, ye ning, what did she not deserve?

ning ye couldn't figure it out, but he didn't need to.

after all, this man was now so submissive and obedient in front of her.

after this, if she had ye jingyan's help, everything would be much easier for her. Of course, the premise was that she had to be exactly the same as ye Qingqing and could not reveal any flaws.