chapter 2442-visiting jing luochen

with jing luochen's personality, it was normal for him not to reply to her message for a day.

However, Lu bei immediately remembered how much Jing luochen valued an Xiaowan. as she had said, jing luochen always replied very quickly.

In fact, it was because he had been waiting for news from an Xiaowan all this time. At that time, Lu bei had clearly seen him taking out his phone from time to time, waiting for news.

So, it's indeed not very normal.

"I'll help you ask." Lu bei said in a rough voice.

An Xiaowan felt a little strange about his tone. She couldn't help but frown and complain, " aren't you on the best terms with Luo Chen? you're inseparable. Why do you look like you don't know anything about him? "

Upon hearing this, Lu bei's heart immediately shrank.

His thick brows furrowed tightly, and his hand that was holding the phone trembled as if he was feeling guilty.

she was deeply afraid that someone would see through her thoughts.