chapter 2447-heart trembling

Half an hour later, an Xiaowan stopped.

She let out a breath, looked at Xia duo in the mirror, and smiled.

Xia duo also looked at herself in the mirror and blinked slightly. At first, she was a little stunned, but then she couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Although her makeup and styling skills were excellent, she almost refused to do it for herself.

At this moment, the makeup an Xiaowan applied on her looked very fresh and elegant, but it made her every facial feature more beautiful.

at first glance, it was as beautiful as a natural carving.

Without waiting for Xia duo to praise him, the sound of servants 'footsteps suddenly came from outside the door.

"Young Madam, Mr. Su is here."

after arriving in dibei city, xia duo had already sent a message to su mucheng, saying that she was in dibei city. So, at this moment, he was very accurately waiting for Xia duo outside dibei city.