chapter 2456-success!

However, ye ning felt that the fragrance was obviously different from the previous one.

it was probably because he was relaxed.

Ye Jingyan had been waiting outside for more than an hour, but he didn't feel sleepy at all.

he was a little nervous. the man just now didn't seem to be an easy guy to deal with. he didn't know if ye qingqing could handle it or if she would be bullied by him.

However, when he saw them walk out of the private room, the cheerful atmosphere proved that the two of them did not have any conflict.

They even had a good chat.

Ye Jingyan looked at the elegant and graceful figure with a smile in the distance and suddenly felt a little unfamiliar.

was ye qingqing so skilled in the past?

Perhaps, she had already changed a long time ago, but he just didn't notice it.

just like at that time, she was already able to scheme against him and go against her own will to get close to him. The proud her in the past could not tolerate such a thing.