dirty mood

A muffled syllable jumped out from his lips. The voice was very hoarse, but also very, very light.

An Xiaowan was deep in her sleep, so she did not hear him at all.

jing luochen felt a little uncomfortable. he struggled to wake up, but his body was numb and weak.

Her eyelashes trembled even more.

A face that was as exquisite as a painting, which was originally as pale as paper, was now gradually regaining a trace of blood.

Finally, after struggling for more than ten minutes, he opened his eyes.

her vision was blurry, and her eyes even hurt.

He couldn't help but close his eyes again. But then, because he wanted to see an Xiaowan, he restrained himself, endured the pain and dizziness, and opened his eyes again.

his line of sight slowly focused.

his vision gradually recovered.

jing luochen felt very uncomfortable all over. he felt weak and feeble, as if he was about to collapse.

he found it difficult to even move his fingers.