old tears flowing freely!

jing luochen was eating when he saw elder jing. he stopped eating immediately.

He didn't have much strength or appetite. After all, he had been in a coma for so many days. His body's functions needed a certain amount of time to recover.

an xiaowan looked at him, then at the others. she made a gesture and left with everyone.

She had seen all of elder Jing's worries these days.

He was Jing luochen's real family.

after an xiaowan left, jing luochen looked at elder jing and didn't speak for a while.

Elder Jing tried his best to smile kindly and affably. He adjusted his voice to the gentlest tone possible, then said softly, " luo chen, you're finally awake. how do you feel? "

Jing luochen thought for a few seconds when he heard elder Jing's question.

Elder Jing immediately placed the panel in front of Jing luochen, waiting for him to write.

But Jing luochen didn't touch it.

she merely raised her beautiful eyes and looked at elder jing in silence.