Chapter 2474-suspicion, conviction

The benefits were either money or power.

or perhaps, both.

however, there had to be enough of them in order to tempt such " heavy " characters.

but now, ye qingqing had no status and her parents had already met with an accident. the family's assets had long been gone. other than ye jingyan's financial support, there was no benefit for others to covet.

"look here." huo shen said in a deep voice, his expression a little serious.

When an Xiaowan heard his tone, she felt that something was wrong and quickly followed his line of sight.

the scene had been paused.

It was a rather remote surveillance camera image from the back door.

An Xiaowan was slightly stunned. After looking for a few seconds, she finally fixed her gaze on one of them.

"Black Kasaya."

there was a piece of black robe exposed in that place!

black-robed kasaya

Could it be

An Xiaowan's heart suddenly tightened, and then she felt a chill all over her body.