Chapter 2496-nurturing tool

All of this was an Xiaowan's inner voice.

She said it very quickly, but grandma Wu, who was next to her, was frightened.

old master huo had been in a high position for a long time, and he was used to giving orders. how could he tolerate being doubted by others? If he really got angry, no one would be able to control it. It was especially terrifying.

Huo Shen's eyes were still on an Xiaowan, staring at her and paying attention to her.

it was as if there was no one else in the world.

the air around them became extremely quiet, as if a needle falling to the ground could scare everyone.

an xiaowan took a deep breath and lowered her head.

she felt good after saying all those words that she had kept in her heart. but at the same time, he was also a little flustered.

after all, old master huo had a whip in his hand.

Moreover, he was a man who could command the wind and the clouds. It was possible that he would destroy her if he was unhappy.