joining the board of directors

" yes, yes, it's not little president huo, it's president huo!! "

" What's he doing here today?"

"i heard that it's all thanks to president huo that the huo group is able to run again!"

"Our Prince Charming is amazing!"

"Long time no see, President Huo seems even more handsome! Oh my God!"

a group of fangirls quickly gathered together, head to head, jumping and twisting their waists. they covered their mouths and faces, extremely shy and excited.

the news spread like a virus and spread throughout the entire building in a few minutes!

Their President Huo was back!

At the same time, Huo Shen had already taken the president's private elevator to the conference floor.

a board meeting was being held in the largest conference room.

Everyone was already there.

However, Huo Jingyan just stood there with a calm expression on his face. "everyone, please calm down. there's still one person who hasn't arrived for today's meeting. we'll start when he's here."