arranged by someone

"president huo, you're finally back! Wuwuwu! President Huo!"

"welcome back, president huo!"

"welcome, president huo!"

the voices were filled with excitement as they looked in huo shen's direction and welcomed him. In fact, some people couldn't help but cry tears of joy.

Huo Shen furrowed his brows slightly. He was not used to the liveliness in the president's office.

after huo jingyan arrived, he changed almost all the people in the president's office. The employees who used to work in the president's office were all transferred to other unimportant departments with random reasons.

This period of time had been very depressing.

they had been looking forward to young master huo's return every day, and today, their dream had finally come true. how could they not be excited?

huo jingyan cleared his throat. he felt a little awkward following behind.

huo jingyan's subordinates and secretaries in the office all had sullen faces.