finding a boyfriend for mommy

He wasn't afraid at all. When he saw the people who had come, he immediately approached them with a smile and raised his little head to welcome them, just like a proper person.

The couple had never seen youzi before and were a little surprised.

"It's so cute!"

"You must be The Little Prince."

the two of them were considered to be from the huo family's side branch. if it were not for the fact that this meeting required the invitation of all related personnel, they might not have been invited. They had just flown over from abroad for more than 20 hours. They were very tired, but when they saw youzi's smile, they felt that it didn't matter.

"I am youzi! please come with me to get your room cards."

He was a small child, but he spoke clearly, his eyes were sharp, and he did things in an orderly manner.