chapter 2538-captured?

"Should I give her some fever medicine?"

"Fever medicine? can i just eat as i please?" everyone was a little hesitant.

"I don't care anymore. At this time, it's more important to keep her alive." however, one of the youths spoke up and concluded this matter.

hearing his words, the others naturally agreed and didn't say anything more.

the next step was to light a fire and boil water. after mixing the water into warm water, the young girl used a wet towel to wipe the dirt off ye qingqing's face. in addition, the teenagers took out the unused medicine boxes, identified the fever medicine in them, and brought them over.

With great difficulty, they fed her some of the fever medicine that had been mixed with water before they heaved a sigh of relief.

the two girls took out their biggest clothes and tried to help ye qingqing change into them with difficulty.