chapter 2572-pomelo dehydrated

this was the first time he had tasted this flavor!

It smells so good and so exciting!


Seeing pomelo's expression, everyone's eyes were fixed on the big bowl he was eating.

Inside, there was a strong soup with a sour and spicy aroma. There was spicy oil floating in the air, and there were also coriander and beans. It looked very rich and colorful.

"you're just a little kid, yet you're actually eating so heavily!"

"at such a young age, your stomach will be damaged!"

A few old professors couldn't stand it anymore and started to express their concern.

they were all old people. regardless of whether they had children or not, they all liked the children very much. moreover, they were used to seeing young children in this research institute and talking about them.

hence, grapefruit had only taken two bites before the bowl was forcibly taken away by the elderly.

he forced a smile and looked at them pitifully. " i still want to eat o()o. "

