chapter 2587-joyous pulse suan ni?

in the academy of science, youzi was still locked in the old professor's room.

he had been waiting obediently the entire day. after all, he had not successfully invented his 'little research'.

However, he was still not allowed to go out today.

Moreover, the old professor was always out in the middle of the night and looked very uneasy. Even when he spoke to Lu Zhou, he seemed to be in a guilty state.

So, youzi thought that it must be her Daddy and Mommy.

there shouldn't be any other possibility.

so, when no one paid attention to him and he couldn't go out, he had been studying his little thing!

he had not been idle during his lessons at the academy of science.

Even when he was talking to Mr. Qin, his eyes kept looking around.

as long as there were suitable small parts, he would take them back!