chapter 2593-youzi at the bottom?

Youzi thought to herself. She squinted her eyes and sat on the railing of the corridor.

at 40 points, more than half of the people had handed in their papers. only the last group of people had sweat on their foreheads and could not complete all the questions.

"Alright, everyone, hand it in."

The class leader, who had finished the questions in advance, stood at the podium.

after that, it was the break between classes.

some people were lying on their tables in frustration, some were proud and expectant, some were calm, and some were very curious about the results of others.

after the ten-minute break, everyone gathered in the classroom again.

youzi also went in and sat in her seat.

everyone in the classroom was still in position.

" the machine should be done with the grading by now. " The class monitor stepped forward and pressed a big guy that was placed next to the podium.

the test paper was spat out piece by piece.