chapter 2598-she's gone

The old professor had just arrived. He was shocked when he saw the door open.

why did the door open??? " He hurried inside and looked into his room. Then he turned on the light and ran to the room where youzi was supposed to be.

" he's gone??!!! "

the old professor was so flustered that his expression changed drastically, and he stood at the door for a long time.

after that, he went to every room and searched around, unwilling to give up. in the end, he was depressed to find that youzi was really gone!

Huo Shen put an Xiaowan down. She randomly found a place to sit and then began to look around.

this suite looked pretty good.

it didn't look like a simple and crude place, nor did it look like a place to hold prisoners.

youzi's room was also well-equipped. there was a small teapot on the table and a comic book. it was obvious that he was treated well.

An Xiaowan finally felt 30% relieved.