the wooden house girl

"Little Xingxing, have a safe journey!"

"Don't forget your dream!"

one after another, youzi couldn't help but wipe her tears.

He had told them a lot of his experiences today, but of course, he didn't reveal anything about the chief physician's research Institute. but even so, everyone still felt great interest and began to be convinced.

indeed, many of the things that youzi had learned were not taught by the academy of science.

or rather, there were many things that others could not teach.

the life experiences, the experiences and feelings, the sudden whims, and the feelings of moving forward step by step. Only he could give it to himself.

as they looked at youzi, they gradually understood many things.

Youzi took two steps forward, took a deep breath, and looked at them with tears in her eyes.

In his heart, there was a feeling of his blood boiling.

He suddenly put his hand around his mouth like a loudspeaker and shouted, " "I'm Huo Xin You!"