two ye qingqins

a thin piece of seaweed was gently sticking to her.

At the same time, there was a strong smell of Korean kimchi.

Just as Huo Jingyan opened his mouth wide and was about to swallow it down, he heard something.

suddenly, a nervous cry broke the silence!

the familiar voice had an unfamiliar sense of anxiety, causing his hand to suddenly stop.

was xuanji qingqing calling him?

he had told her many times not to call him cousin because he was not her cousin at all, and he did not want to be her cousin.

A piece of sushi was already in her mouth.

He stopped chewing and looked toward the source of the sound.

however, before he could focus his gaze, the chopsticks and the sushi box in his hands had already been violently removed!


Things fell to the ground, the lunchbox broke into pieces, and pieces of sushi rolled everywhere.

The smell of the kimchi became even stronger.