There are a lot of eyes to dig out

at the other video conference venues, everyone was holding their computers and were all stunned.

a beautiful woman in elegant pajamas just appeared in yingying?

She was probably President Huo's wife!

this meeting was quite important. the reason why it was held so late was that there were many foreigners there. due to the time difference, they had chosen the most suitable time.

It was already working hours on the overseas route.

Therefore, the entire office was filled with the senior executives of foreign branches. The big screen in the office clearly showed what was happening on President Huo's side.

And so, everyone witnessed this scene together!

After a moment of dead silence and shock, everyone was in an uproar!

This was their legendary supermodel young Madam! Although they had all seen her on the runway, in magazines, or in photos, they had all seen her.

however, none of them had ever seen the goddess's daily appearance!