hold her waist?

One of them was Special Assistant Luo, and the other was a girl.

she was wearing a very long dress and stood in front with her back to special assistant luo.

When the elevator arrived, she immediately raised her head. As soon as the elevator door opened, she quickly walked out.

By the time Special Assistant Luo reacted and moved his feet, his feet seemed to be pulled by something.

then, the girl in front suddenly exclaimed in a low voice!

Then, she pulled her skirt and quickly squatted on the ground!

upon hearing this, luo was shocked. Fortunately, he had the reaction speed that he had maintained over the years. He quickly reacted and loosened his foot.

it turned out that there was a corner of a skirt under her feet.

The lady seemed to be wearing a traditional Han Chinese dress?

special assistant luo didn't know much about this, but he had the impression that he had occasionally seen it on the streets and on tv.