Chapter 2662-not worthy

The blind date this time was arranged to be a whole day.

it was only over after dinner and assistant luo sent her home.

on the way back to dibei city, special assistant luo's heart was not calm.

this was his first time going on a blind date, yingluo.

although he felt that there shouldn't be any problems with his performance, he didn't know what the lady thought. after all, a woman's heart was like a needle at the bottom of the ocean. how could he, a layman, guess?


This little girl was quite cute.

as special assistant luo thought about it, he couldn't help but smile.

dibei city was brightly lit.

The couple, who usually stayed in the study or bedroom at night, were actually sitting in the living room, watching TV and eating fruit while staring at the door.

as soon as special assistant luo entered the door, the two of them looked over with bright eyes.

"luo fei,"