the child is missing an object

The next morning, an Xiaowan left the house early.

She first went to Susan's Place, then secretly left through the back door, and went to the nearby hospital alone.

moreover, he went to a private hospital that had absolutely no connection with the huo family.

she wrapped herself up tightly, wearing a mask and a big hat, covering herself up like a patient.

she deliberately did not wear her sunglasses.

Because she was wearing sunglasses and covering her face so tightly, in everyone's eyes, even if she wasn't a celebrity, she would still look at her. Not to mention that she was a celebrity herself, so she was actually very eye-catching.

When she arrived at the hospital, she went straight to the VIP room that she had made an appointment with.

After she went in, the man didn't ask her to take off her hat or anything. He just let her sit down and asked directly, " "Madam, what do you need to ask?"