huo shen, i'm pregnant

When an Xiaowan arrived home, Huo Shen was already sitting in the bedroom.

his face was calm and expressionless. he just stared at the unopened letter on the table like a statue.

an xiaowan swallowed her saliva, put down her bag, and walked forward.

she took a deep breath and sat down beside him. she said softly, " "I'm back,"

Huo Shen raised his head and looked at her. His brows furrowed slightly. He pursed his thin lips and pushed the letter in front of her.

"i didn't open it."

He probably noticed the doubt in an Xiaowan's eyes and immediately explained.

She quickly lowered her eyes and looked at the letter in front of her.

he hadn't seen it, so yingying didn't know the results yet?

however, how much did he know?

Could it be that the private hospital had already revealed her information?