Huo Shen's God-level theory

"So, Wanwan, you went to the master doctor's place because of the child?" huo shen said in a deep voice.

an xiaowan nodded. " yes. "

"did the master doctor give an answer?" huo shen didn't know where to start, so he took a deep breath and said, "Just say whatever you think of."

"she can't be sure." an xiaowan pursed her lips and looked at huo shen. she wanted to say something but stopped.

Huo Shen's eyes flickered, and his mind was in a mess.

an xiaowan sighed. now that the matter had been made public, she might as well discuss it with him. she just didn't know if huo shen would think about all these reasons before making a decision.

"what are your thoughts?" an xiaowan calmed down and asked him softly.


Huo Shen's long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly. After a long while, he said in a deep voice, "I need to think."

the two of them looked at each other speechlessly, each sitting in their own seats, their eyes lowered in deep thought.