chapter 2706-heart rate flying

After waiting for more than an hour, the entire segment officially ended.

the doctors came out of the room and said to huo shen,"The next step is to wait."

an xiaowan and ye qingqing were a little nervous. even huo shen's expression became a little tense.

the drug had been injected, and the rest would depend on the effect.

success or failure, he could only wait. there was no other way.

a few hours passed by in the midst of everyone's suffering.

Huo Shen ordered his men to prepare some food. Everyone quickly ate a little and continued to wait.

an xiaowan still had matters to attend to and could only leave first. the rest of the people continued to wait.

ye qingqing looked at the situation in the ward and her parents 'pale faces. her heart ached.

the black robe organization urged her to take revenge!

Time passed. Mr. Ye, Mrs. Ye, and Mr. Huo had been sleeping quietly and did not wake up.