Old master ye barged in!


As ye Qingqing had not returned home for a long time and did not return his calls, old master ye was worried and tried his best to find her whereabouts.

finally, he noticed something.

he tried to force his way in, thinking that something had happened to qing qing or that she was under house arrest by the huo family. Huo Shen had no choice but to ask assistant Luo to let them in.

On this floor, elder ye was surprised.

He was furious and worried, but when he came up, he was stunned by the first scene.

It was ye Qingqing, who was leaning on Huo Jingyan's shoulder and sleeping peacefully!

Grandpa ye was slightly stunned. He strode over and glared at Huo Jingyan.

huo jingyan was also a little confused. when he heard the sound of footsteps, he suddenly woke up.

he quickly raised his head and made a " shh " gesture. then, he carefully made sure that his posture did not affect his shoulders so as not to wake ye qingqing up.